
June 25, 2023
Terrible roads from the border Delicious food (fish, chicken, rice, casava bread, papaya). Stunning mountain pass through a forest and very bendy roads Bushmeat for sale Huge variety of fruit being sold at the roadside (pineapple, yams, papaya, melon) Roads under construction or being repaired. Blue and white taxi cars beeping for custom in towns/cities...
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Houses constructed in timber or concrete.  Most are painted in bright blue, yellow, green or pink. Grass around properties and well maintained. Flowers and plants planted around properties and next to roads Roads are extremely quiet – no mopeds or taxi-buses. Logging industry very active and working on a Sunday.  Areas of rainforest cleared and...
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Day 85… Sunday 25th June 285 miles covered today from Benguela to Lubango.  Greta’s woes continue.  She has developed a loud rattle but continues to amaze us and limp on.  Her gear box is in serious trouble but we took the decision/risk to carry on and get it sorted in Namibia where it will be...
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