Our last border crossing

Days 242 – 247… Tuesday 21st November to Sunday 26th November

The border crossing Tlokweng from Botswana into South Africa was very quiet.  Only 2 others going through.  No visa problems and our passports were stamped in for another 90 days.  Very little traffic heading to Zeerust, a large bustling town with plenty of shops.  Stocked up of food supplies, sim and phone data and local cash (back to the south African rand).  The fuel in Botswana is cheaper so we had fuelled up before the border crossing.  Treated ourselves to a wimpy.  Our campsite for 2 nights was on the outskirts of Zeerust, part of a game drive and event centre.  Bar and restaurant available.  Camped for 3 nights on the Groot Mario River further east at Evergreen River Guest Farm.  Lovely peaceful spot surrounded by many trees.  The owners were a friendly South African couple.  This heat waves continues – averaging 39 degrees Celsius.  Drove onto Rustenburg and spent time in an air-conditioned mall and then the cinema.  Absolute bliss during this heat wave and when the car’s air-con failed on us several months back somewhere in Gabon.  Stayed at a self-catering cottage for 2 nights near Magaliesburg.  Beautiful mountains.

Allen’s perspective…

Almost our fastest border crossing today. Would have been 20 minutes but for the customs agent who took his time. In the end it was about 40 minutes, but thats okay. Also, they gave us both 90 day visas which we are chuffed about, especially since our last time entering South Africa the immigration officer got us concerned about if we would be able to get enough days upon our return to carry us right up until Christmas.

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