Day ten… Had a friendly chat with our campsite neighbour this morning, Thomas from Austria and his 4 month old street dog named ‘Garlic’. Thomas had picked up Garlic travelling around Morocco and they had become firm friends. The paperwork and vaccinations had been arranged and Garlic was about to start a new and better life in Austria. Headed south to Moulay-Idriss along quiet and winding roads. Still very green landscapes. Fairly short drive today around 3.5 hours. Campsite on a hill, run by a slightly grumpy Frenchman but again my basic French language was probably offensive. A couple of small cute kittens shared our pitch.

Allen’s perspective…
After a few bad nights sleep I was bloody pleased to escape the drumming and constant call to prayers which sounded more like Kali Ma than anything else!
The drive was beautiful albeit easy, with little going on.
The campsite we arrived at was… interesting. I’m given to believe that Morocco is filled with grumpy French who are clinging onto their former colony with everything they can. Thank goodness for Rachael’s knowledge of French otherwise we would be down to my use of pointing and smiling. It certainly seems that these French lack a vision to build and grow what they do have and instead let it fall into decline, as was the case with the campsite at Meknes. Nothing some plaster, a little plumbing and electrical work, and finally a lick of paint would solve… if anyone could be bothered.