Day 28… Saturday 29th April
The chosen route today to Boke was a difficult challenge and in hindsight we should not have gone this way. It was a dirt road but so badly damaged from erosion that these were not potholes but deep crevice’s to tackle. A couple of cars and lorries were also attempting this difficult route but the drivers were smiling and waving at us. Greta was made for this but by the end of the day, progress had been very slow and her occupants and entire contents were shaken around the vehicle for 7 hours. It was both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. The benefit was hardly a passing car and only one police stop. The scenery was stunning and the tiny villages we went through were fascinating. Arrived at Boke covered from head to toe in red dust and booked into a hotel (much nicer with a hot shower) and clean comfortable bed for the night.
Allen’s perspective…
Our first ‘African’ road, we both expected to be driving along tarred road, but alas no. The entire road from Gaoual to Boke was dirt… and huge potholes. We spent hours driving at around 15-20mph briefly enjoying short smooth sections to then be faced with huge potholes, with the car bouncing around. I was worried on a few occasions, getting out to check the tyres and under the vehicle, but Greta seemed to be getting through it okay.
But due to the heat and the cars awful air con I did have to drive with the window open, which has resulted in the entire car being covered in dust. But then so is the outside, and the inside of the canopy. It has worked its way into every nook and cranny of the car.
Also, we have seen quite a few round mud huts in Guinea, all with thatched roofs, and simple thatch fencing around huts or small communities. Certainly seems a lot poorer than Senegal so far.